|Promotion Testing Research

In the world of marketing, consumer promotions can be described as a vast wasteland. Large sums of money are spent on promotions of dubious merit and unknown effects. Fewer than one out of every 100 promotions is submitted to any type of pretesting or research evaluation. Once promotions are aired, they are very difficult to evaluate based on sales response because of competitive activity, seasonality, weather, and other confounding variables. So the average company really does not know if its promotional investments are a boon or a boondoggle. To help improve promotion effectiveness, Optimize Data Analytics offers these services.

Qualitative Research For Promotion Research

Focus groups and depth interviews are valuable techniques to explore consumer motivations, perceptions, and proclivities related to various promotional concepts in a product category. Good qualitative research can help define the spectrum of promotional possibilities, and help identify the key elements of successful promotions. It’s really difficult to develop successful promotional programs without good qualitative research to provide basic understanding to guide that development. Once promotional concepts are developed, qualitative research can be valuable in fine-tuning the concepts. However, focus groups and depth interviews should not be used to predict the success of various promotions. That task is reserved for quantitative methods.

Innovation Services For Promotion Research

Most companies tend to fall into a promotional rut and keep repeating successful promotions until their appeal is destroyed. A better approach is ideation. Let creative consumers help you develop better promotions. Once basic consumer motivations are understood via qualitative research, then creative individuals can help in the promotion development process. Highly creative individuals are the key. They can help create “starter” ideas for breakthrough promotions. Optimize Data Analytics maintains a panel of over 2,000 highly creative people, who work in small groups, online or offline, to generate hundreds of promotional ideas for a brand. Naturally, these starter ideas must be developed into final promotion concepts by marketing staff or agencies and should go through standard promotion-testing procedures.