|Data Management Services

Optimize Data Analytics codes open-end questions in more than 30 different languages, provides sophisticated cross-tabulation reports, including statistical significance testing and analysis. Advanced software and systems, rigorous quality assurance processes, and experienced professional tabulation programmers produce consistently accurate cross-tabs. No cross-tab task is too large or too complicated for Optimize Data Analytics programmers.

Questionnaire Design and Guidance

Optimize Data Analytics can provide assistance with questionnaire design before data collection begins. This is especially important for studies requiring market segmentation, choice modeling, or other advanced statistical techniques.

Open-end Question Coding

Our highly experienced Coding Department includesnative speakers of 13 different languages., plus another 20 languages through partners in the respective countries. Open-end survey questions can be coded, as well as CRM comments and any type of text.

Machine Text Analytics

For large datafiles (as from social media, CRM systems, etc.) text analytics software is an option. Software is not as accurate as the human mind but may be good enough in some instances. We generally recommend taking a subset of the data and having humans do the coding, to compare to the software coding results.

Data Entry

For paper surveys or documents, all survey responses are entered twice, to create two mirror datafiles (i.e., 100% verification). These two datafiles are matched and any differences resolved by checking the source documents. Guaranteed accuracy rate is 99.95%.

Data Cleaning

Before any datafile is tabulated, a series of data cleaning checks are performed, to check for out-of-range codes, duplicate records, skip logic errors, omissions, etc.

Multiple Databases

Data from multiple data sources can be combined into one integrated database, and then cross-tabbed and analyzed.


Optimize Data Analytics Tabulation experts use sophisticated software and systems to produce powerful cross-tabs and summaries, including algebraic models for scoring and analysis. Significance testing can be applied to columns and rows of tabulated results, and complex weighting schemes can be applied to the data.

Data Warehouse Architecture and Database Management

With experience on databases ranging in size to several terabytes, Optimize Data Analytics’s Predictive Analytics Team has the experience and know-how to design and manage data warehouses of virtually any size and complexity.

Survey Management and Data Processing Experience

Optimize Data Analytics is a leading global marketing research and analytical consulting firm with over three decades of experience in processing and tabulating a multitude of studies from simple questionnaires to multi-country advanced analytic projects.