|New Product Research

Successful new products are essential to a company’s growth and survival. We believe new products to be one of the most important applications of marketing research, but one of the most difficult to execute in practice. New products can be concept-driven or product-driven. The implicit model that underlies the following paragraphs is concept-driven (i.e., concept followed by product), but keep in mind that you can also start with a product and work “backward” to build a concept and positioning.

New product development must have focal points to have any chance of success. Focal points include definition of the target market, determination of the product category, and/or definition of the problem to solve or opportunity to exploit. These focal points are largely managerial judgments. Once some of the basic focal points are identified, then Optimize Data Analytics can help make the effort successful.

Qualitative Explorations

Once the target audience is identified (even if not totally precise), and some notion of the product category (or human need) is established, then qualitative research is the first step. The purpose is to develop in-depth understanding of the target consumer—their motivations, perceptions, fears, and preferences. Perceptions of competitive products can be explored. Unmet needs can be identified. New product ideas can be sought. The qualitative exploration serves to identify new product possibilities as well as refine the target-market definition for those possibilities. Qualitative research is also useful in determining the starting points for ideation.

Innovation Services

Building on the foundation of understanding provided by the qualitative research, Optimize Data Analytics uses its creative individuals to help generate new product ideas. These ideation sessions can be conducted online or offline, following creative processes developed by Optimize Data Analytics. Optimize Data Analytics’ Insights & Innovation Team then translates this raw ideation material into new product concepts. These concepts can then be refined with qualitative research before going into quantitative testing.

Concept Testing

Concept testing identifies potentially successful new products early on, so that you can focus limited research and development resources (and limited marketing resources) on the new product concepts with the greatest probability of consumer acceptance. Optimize Data Analytics provides a suite of concept testing systems and services.

Brand Name Research

Selecting a name for a new product is an important step in new product development. Typically, final names are tested in the context of package, concept, or product testing, so that all variables are implicitly incorporated into the name test.

Packaging Research

Package graphics and copy are critical to new product success. Optimize Data Analytics offers a suite of package-testing services to help develop a winning package that can help generate trial of the new product and project the appropriate brand image.

Product Testing

New products must be optimal to have a reasonable chance for success. Product testing is an essential step (or series of steps) in the development of a new product. Optimize Data Analytics offers a range of product-testing services to help ensure that the new product will be successful.

Test Market Evaluation

Real-world testing of new products is always recommended, if time and budgets permit. Actual store tests and/or actual test markets provide the most reliable evaluation of a new product. Optimize Data Analytics is expert at designing and executing test markets for new products.

Product Clinics

Our automotive research group conducts static clinics, dynamic clinics, and 3D projection digital imaging clinics. These clinics range in size from small single city evaluations in the U.S. to large-scale multi-country clinics. Each clinic is conducted by a dedicated team, led by a senior researcher experienced in all aspects of conducting clinics. Data is captured using handheld devices to assure fast delivery of data tabulations. Presentations of clinic results can be provided within 24 hours of the conclusion of the clinic in-person or via Web-based meeting.

New Product Research Services

Optimize Data Analytics is a leading global marketing research and analytical consulting firm, with over 3 decades of experience in new products research and consulting. Our staff has worked on hundreds of successful new products. With our worldwide online panels and interactive systems, targeted innovation processes, and analytical systems, we can bring transformational change and acceleration of pace to your new product development efforts.